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VIDEO: We’re hooked on this story about an abandoned fishing boat

Tonight on 'Closer Look': For nearly two months, a mystery vessel has been marooned on Hanlan's Point beach on the Toronto islands. Where is the owner?

​In cities and towns across Ontario — and at Queen’s Park and Parliament Hill — our journalists work for you. Their mission is to dig for answers and tell you what they find.

This new feature — ‘Closer Look’ — is a chance to hear directly from those dogged reporters and editors. 

Every weeknight, Village Media’s Scott Sexsmith sits down with one of our journalists to explore an important story they are covering. These in-depth conversations go beyond the headlines, helping viewers better understand how we gather the details that land in your local news feed.

On tonight’s episode of ‘Closer Look’: A mystery fishing boat marooned on the Toronto islands.

First spotted in late-November by a local kayaker, the 35-foot vessel has been stuck in the same spot on Hanlan's Point beach ever since. TorontoToday reporter Gabe Oatley has been working hard to reel in all the details.

SEE: After a month, boat remains aground on Hanlan's Point Beach

On Wednesday, the Toronto Police Service got involved, visiting the boat with workers from the Canadian Coast Guard, who removed “bulk amounts" of diesel and oil” from the craft.

They also posted a notice, informing the boat’s owner that they have until Jan. 15th to remove the vessel from the shoreline. 

SEE: Owner of stranded Toronto Island boat no longer living in cabin: Police

Oatley joins us tonight to talk about this hull of a story.

Stay tuned for more episodes of ‘Closer Look’ every weeknight at 7 p.m. ​You can find all our previous segments HERE.

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