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Town expanding authority for bylaw dispute resolution

New policy aims to streamline process
Milton town hall.

The Town of Milton is expanding the use of the Administrative Penalty System (APS) for dispute resolution of all municipal bylaws.

Approved by council at last week’s meeting, Kristene Scott, the Town’s commissioner of corporate services, said that the program expansion will “better manage disputes in a timely manner and more effectively encouraging compliance.”

APS is the current system that manages the resolution of parking bylaw infractions.

With the expansion, the resolution of bylaw disputes will shift from the provincial offences courtroom to the municipality through the use of screening and hearing officers who have the authority to modify, cancel, affirm and extend the time to pay for penalties.

This broadening helps to reduce congestion in the court system and offers residents a more local and accessible way to resolve disputes, according to the Town.

To avoid any conflict of interest, the Town has adopted a policy that prohibits staff, council members, or the mayor from getting involved in any dispute matters, ensuring the independence of the process.

Coun. Kristina Tesser Derksen asked about the program’s public outreach.

“I'm just wondering if there's a plan for messaging going out to the general public about what the new program is all about and how it's going to affect them directly,” she asked.

In response, Meaghen Reid, the Town’s director of legislative and legal services, said the Town will be updating its website and messaging.

“There will be communications prior to this process becoming live in February of 2025,” Reid said.